
Vajra is an advanced Bio-Technology based research product containing natural and highly specialized bio-components in such a concentration that it gives protection from plant larvae such as boll worms, spodoptera and other lepidopteran pests. The pest will not develop resistance against this product.

It enhances plant growth.
Revitalizes plant immunity, protects the plant from boll worms, spodoptera and other lepidopteran pests.

Recommended crops: Tomatoes, Lettuce, Peppers, Cucurbits, Brinjal, Cabbage, Potatoes, Watermelon, Sweet melon, Apples, Citrus, Cotton, Chilli, Tea, Coffee, Fruit trees and Ornamental Crops

Composition: Protein Hydrolysate, Alkaloid Extract, Carriers.

Application Protocol: Foliar Spray- 2.5-3ml per litre as foliar spray or drenching.

Mode of Action: By increasing plants immunity, it will help the plant grow healthy and resist pest infestation

Compatibility: Compatible with all pesticides and fertilizers.

Pack Size: 250 ml

Shelf life: 2 years from date of mfg.

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