Crop Star

Cropstar is a special blend of beneficial microbes those assimilate atmospheric nitrogen, solubilize phosphate and potash into available form, thereby supplementing balanced nutrition to crops. It is formulated as wettable powder with CFU count of 5 x  107/gm. 

Improves crop yield by 20 to 25%.
Improves soil fertility by increasing the number of useful microbes in rhizosphere.
Helps in building immunity in plants against disease and pests by secreting antagonistic compounds.
Reduces Nitrogen, potassium and phosphate chemical fertilizer requirement by 50-80%, thus reducing cost.

Recommended crops: Suitable for all crops including Cereals, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds, Fiber Crops, Sugar Cane, Forage Crops, Plantation Crops, Vegetables, Fruits, Spices, Flowers, Medicinal Crops, Aromatic Crops, Orchards, Ornamentals, Kitchen & Home Garden Plants.

Composition: N, P, K solubilizing bacteria, carriers.

Application Protocol:
Soil Application – Field Crops (Short duration crops): Apply 10 to 20 kgs per acre. Annual / Perennial Crops – 50-100 gms per plant of <5yrs age and 100-150 gms / plant of >5 years age.
Kitchen &Home Garden – 2 to 5 gms with 50 to 100 gms of organic manure / fertilizer.

Mode of Action: Crop star contains Biofertilizer cultures Nitrogen fixing, Phosphorus and potash solubilising microbes which fix Nitrogen, solubilize Phosphorus, and Potassium that are essential nutrients for crop development, Bio-stimulants and vitamins that act as further catalysts that stimulate rooting and fungistatic cultures to protect the young seed/seedling from pathogen attack.

Compatibility: Compatible with all pesticides and fertilizers.

Pack Sizes: a

Shelf life: 2 years from date of mfg.

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