
Glory is an innovative biotechnology product designed to promote flowering. Formulated with all-natural components, it enhances yield by increasing flowering while effectively preventing flower drop. This unique product ensures that plants thrive, maximizing their potential for a bountiful harvest.

Enhances photosynthesis, increases flowering, and seed setting.
Prevents flower drop.
Provides strong biotic and abiotic stress tolerance for resilient plant growth.

Recommended crops: All crops such as cotton, chilli, sugarcane, pulses, oil seeds, paddy, wheat, all cereals, cardamom, tea, other plantation crops, floriculture & horticultural crops including all fruits and vegetables.

Composition: Natural organic compounds like seaweed Extract, amino acids, Fillers & Others.

Application Protocol:
Foliar Application – Mix 250 ml of Glory in 100-150L water and spray for one acre crop.

Mode of Action:  Contains essential amino acids and natural hormones that are easily assimilated by plants, promoting healthy growth. This formulation enhances flowering, prevents flower drop, ultimately leading to increased yields.

Compatibility: Compatible with all pesticides and fertilizers.

Pack Sizes: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1L

Shelf life: 2 years from date of mfg. 

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